Code of conduct

field school code of conduct


Any participant in a CFS Program makes her/him/they a representative of CFS and that requires an adhere to the CFS’s Field school Code of Conduct. Any participant may be subject to disciplinary action for engaging in misconduct or attempted misconduct. Misconduct includes but is not limited to:       

  1. Disruption of teaching, research, administration, or other CFS activities;
  2. Physical abuse, threats of violence, rape or other forms of sexual assault, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person on CFS property or in connection with official CFS functions, including those activities taking place in the field;
  3. Disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, or failure to comply with the directions of an CFS employee or field school staff member acting in his/her official capacity;
  4. Unlawful use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of controlled substances as identified in federal, state, and local laws or regulations, on CFS properties or at official CFS field activities and functions;
  5. Trading, exchanging, selling or buying of archaeological artifacts or endangered species, animals, plants, or their parts at any time. Archaeological and Environmental heritage, features, and ecofacts are the property of the people and nation in which students are working.  Trading, selling or otherwise removing material culture, fossils, fauna or flora from sites without authorization from the project director is a violation of the Field School Code of Conduct and likely a violation of the law.  In many parts of the world, trading in antiquities, fossils or endangered fauna or flora is considered a criminal offense, subject to prosecution and jail time;
  6. Uncontrolled excavation is considered looting and may be subject to prosecution.  Follow project director(s) and staff excavation and/or survey instructions carefully and do not initiate excavations or any other type of removal of archaeological artifacts, features or ecofacts on your own;
  7. Bio-prospecting or geo-prospecting requires permits and is otherwise illegal in most countries across the world. Follow project director(s) and staff instructions carefully and do not initiate any bio- or geo-prospecting or any other type of removal of fauna, flora, fossils or mineral deposits on your own;
  8. Dishonesty, such as cheating, multiple submission, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the CFS;
  9. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of CFS documents, data, or identification;
  10. Theft of, damage to, or destruction of any property of CFS or property of others while on CFS premises, including field schools, or on the premises of any property associated with the Program;
  11. Failure to pay bills for services or incidentals associated with the Program;
  12. Unauthorized entry to or use of CFS properties, equipment, or resources or imagery anywhere in the world.
  13. Programs are deeply embedded within local communities. Programs strongly rely on local communities and government authorities for the ability to conduct research and obtain both official permits and community consent to work at the area. Student behavior that will endanger the reputation of the Project may impact this balance, will not be tolerated, and may be cause for immediate removal.
  14. Any behavior that endangers the student or others – staff members, members of the local community or other students – may result in immediate removal from the field school.
  15. Violation of the laws of any country, state, local, or other jurisdiction during the Program may be a violation of the Code of Conduct.


Drinking alcohol while socializing is common in many parts of the world. The attitude in some countries toward alcohol may be much different than in the United States.  Drinking in some countries is part of the social experience, but not the focus of it.  Excessive drinking or drunken behavior is not acceptable. Public drunkenness is illegal in many countries.  If your consumption of alcohol becomes disruptive to your Program, it is cause for immediate expulsion.  If you choose to drink, please be responsible.


Students in violation of the Code of Conduct may be expelled from the program at the instructor’s sole discretion. In the event a student is expelled, the student is not eligible to receive a refund of any of the fees paid to the CFS.  Expelled students will not be permitted to participate in any Program activity or be entitled to any Program benefits including, but not limited to, travel, meals, and housing. Furthermore, the student will be responsible for any additional costs incurred for lodging and transportation once expelled.


When you are in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws and are under its jurisdiction, NOT the protection of the United States laws or Constitution. You can be arrested overseas for actions that may be legal or considered minor infractions in the United States. Be aware of what is considered criminal in the country where you are.

If you are arrested on a drug or criminal charge, it is important that you know what can and cannot be done. Always use your one phone call to contact the nearest United States or home country embassy or consulate.

A U.S. Consular Officer CAN:

  • Visit you in jail after being notified of your arrest.
  • Give you a list of local attorneys.
  • Intercede with local authorities to make sure your rights under local law are fully observed and that you are treated humanely.
  • Protest mistreatment or abuse to the appropriate authorities.

A U.S. Consular Officer CANNOT:

  • Demand your immediate release or get you out of jail.
  • Represent you at trial or give legal counsel.
  • Pay legal fees or fines with U.S. government funds.


The CFS is committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination or harassment. Harassment based upon an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, or age will not be tolerated in any of our field schools or in the workplace. All affiliates are expected and required to abide by this policy.


The CFS is committed to promoting a learning and working environment in which all people are treated with dignity and respect. Harassing, coercive, or disruptive acts can be forms of misconduct that undermine the effectiveness of CFS programs and harm individuals toward whom such conduct is directed. The CFS expects that all relationships among persons involved in a field school will be professional. Therefore, the CFS expects Program directors, their affiliated faculty, staff, and volunteers, as well as Program students and visitors to refrain from and discourage harassment of any type.  As with other forms of discrimination and harassment, sexual harassment is not tolerated in CFS field schools and programs.

  1. Definition of Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a repeated, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects a person’s employment or education, unreasonably interferes with a person’s work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment
  2. Harassment that is not sexual in nature but is based on gender, sex-stereotyping, or sexual orientation is prohibited under the CFS’s non-discrimination policy and may contribute to the creation of a hostile work or academic environment. Therefore, in determining whether a hostile environment due to sexual harassment exists, the CFS may take into account acts of discrimination based on gender, sex-stereotyping, or sexual orientation.
  3. Sexual and Gender Harassment Outside the USA
    A definition of sexual harassment abroad must take into account the norms of the culture within which the Program is taking place.  CFS recognizes, and students are hereby forewarned, that CFS Programs operate in diverse locales, where cultural norms, environmental conditions, and logistical constraints may create situations that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable.  Participants must be mindful of the cultural norms of the host society, which may allow, or even require, conduct that is considered objectionable in the United States.  All participants are encouraged to become culturally aware and educated about the norms of the culture in which they are working.
  4. Being culturally sensitive does not include relaxing personal boundaries.  Every participant must trust his, her or their judgment and intuition.  If a situation makes a participant uncomfortable, the situation must be addressed and must not be ignored. Additionally, participants must conform to the spirit as well as the letter of all laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the Program operates. CFS expects all participants to personally strive toward creating an inclusive and safe learning and working environment.
  5. Reporting an Incident of Harassment: The CFS encourages participants to report all perceived incidents of harassment regardless of the offender’s identity or position. Participants who believe that they have been the victim of such conduct are encouraged—if practicable—to first advise the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and request that it be discontinued.  Often this action alone will resolve the problem.  If a participant is uncomfortable confronting the offender, or if the conduct or similar conduct continues, the participant should report his or her concerns to the field director or another faculty member.  If the participant is uncomfortable addressing the conduct with the offender or reporting the conduct to the field director or faculty, or if a previous report has not resulted in a satisfactory resolution, participants should make a report directly to CFS administration:
    CFS hotline (24/7): +1 (562) 584-0761
    CFS Email:

  6. Intentional False Reports
    Because sexual harassment frequently involves interactions between persons that are not witnessed by others, reports of sexual harassment cannot always be substantiated by additional evidence. Lack of corroborating evidence or “proof” should not discourage individuals from reporting sexual harassment under this policy. However, individuals who make reports that are later found to have been intentionally false or made maliciously without regard for truth may be subject to disciplinary action and are in no way indemnified from third party legal action.
  7. Resolution
    The CFS will respond to all reports of harassment, including those brought anonymously or by third parties not directly involved in the harassment.
    The CFS will take any action that it deems appropriate in response to a report.  Many cases can be resolved at an early stage.  Where early resolution is inappropriate (such as when the facts are in dispute in a report of serious misconduct), or in cases where early resolution is unsuccessful, the CFS may conduct an investigation.  At the conclusion of such investigation, the CFS may take any action that it deems necessary or prudent, in its sole discretion, including requiring a participant to leave a field school and notification of authorities


CFS strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against any field school participant – student or staff member – who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that he or she reasonably believes to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, other CFS policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations.

  1. This policy is designed to ensure that all field school participants feel comfortable speaking up when they see or suspect illegal or unethical conduct without fear of retaliation. It is also intended to encourage all field school participants to cooperate with the Center for Field Sciences in the internal investigation of any matter by providing honest, truthful and complete information without fear of retaliation.
  2. No field school participants will be discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, intimidated, coerced, or retaliated against in any other manner as a result of his or her making a good faith complaint or assisting in the handling or investigation of a good faith complaint, that an CFS policy, the Student Code of Conduct, or an applicable law, rule or regulation has been violated. Field School participants who in good faith make a complaint or participate in an investigation or proceeding under this policy, however, remain subject to the same standards of performance and conduct as other participants.
  3. The CFS prohibits field school participants from being retaliated against even if their complaints are proven unfounded by an investigation, unless the participant knowingly made a false allegation, provided false or misleading information in the course of an investigation, or otherwise acted in bad faith. Field School participants have an obligation to participate in good faith in any internal investigation of retaliation.
  4. The CFS takes all complaints of retaliation very seriously. All such complaints will be reviewed promptly and, where appropriate, investigated.
  5. Reporting a Violation of this Policy: If you believe you have been retaliated against or that any other violation of this policy has occurred, or if you have questions concerning this policy, you must immediately notify CFS and/or your field school director. You may also call the Center for Field Sciences Hotline, a 24-hour per day, 7-day per week, phone line at: Phone: +1 (562) 584-0761; Email: 
  6. Violation of Policy: Any field school participant – student or staff member – who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of participation and employment.